Infinite Care, Comprehensive medical hub

Infinite Care provides convenient access to medical history, insurance coverage details, quick payment processing, detailed billing receipts, and appointment booking for a seamlessly streamlined healthcare experience.

Wireframe, Prototyping,
User Interfaces,

3 days


People continue to receive paper insurance bills weeks or even months after visiting the doctor. This leads to confusion as they struggle to match each bill with the appointment and they must take extra steps to pay hospital bills through the website


Offer a transparent view of insurance coverage and billing details across multiple appointments


Research on context


I researched to determine the necessary information by examining ID cards from different insurance companies and billing receipts issued by hospitals and insurance providers.


I experimented with several user flows to test user accessibility in navigating and obtaining the necessary information. I alway find hard dealing with insurance benefits and payment. As part of the insurance application, I attempted to incorporate a feature allow to easily understand their total payment bill and facilitate direct payments.

FIilter System

I tested two search and filter methods to see which one helps users stay organized and simplifies the searching experience.

I explored navigation styles and the natural placement of a button to return to the home page. Additionally, I considered the best layout for accommodating more categories.

In conclusion, I found that providing a comprehensive summary of each visit could help users understand the types of treatment received, coverage certainty, and remaining charges.

Structure of content for every categories

Final Design