UX Rescue is the service that connects UX practitioners with non-profit organizations.
UX Designer
UX Designer
Wireframes, User testing, User Interviews, UI design
4 UX Designers
2 User researcher
2 UX writer
4 UX Designers
2 User researcher
2 UX writer
3 months
3 months
Context & Discovering Problem
The demand for UX practitioners outpaces the number of requests from non-profit organizations.
To understand the reasons behind this low engagement, we explored potential causes.
We assumed that as UX design is a relatively new field, many non-profit organizations may not fully understand what UX design is or how it can benefit their cause and might not realize where to ask for help for their websites, applications, and even internal workflows.
To understand the reasons behind this low engagement, we explored potential causes.
We assumed that as UX design is a relatively new field, many non-profit organizations may not fully understand what UX design is or how it can benefit their cause and might not realize where to ask for help for their websites, applications, and even internal workflows.
Developing educational context on UX design and showcase the value of UX design by giving real-word case studies and testimonials from non-profits benefited by UX Rescue. Later, received in a positive quantitive data from non-profit organizations.
➺ Shifting Focus: From Process to Impact
The previous website highlighted the design process and team expertise to build trust. During the redesign, the website prioritized understanding non-profits' needs and how UX Resuce could solve their specific challenges, strengthening the value proposition.Process
Evaluation of each section on current version
✦ Convince organization to sign up as clients.
✦ Bring clarity to service and design process.

Competitors Analysis
We conducted research on websites of other companies targeting non-profit organizations. Through this exploration, we learned how Taproot Foundation empathize with organization’s needs through its service offerings, which aligns closely with UX Rescue's redesign objectives. Also, by looking at Frog Design, we collected content guideline to articulate UX Rescue's mission and identity.

Potential Solutions:
We worked with content that could be implement such as:
We worked with content that could be implement such as:
- Share success stories from past clients along with their testimonials.
- Emphasize the advantages of partnering with UX Rescue.
- Provide clearer details about our services and what UX Rescue does not provide to match the business’ goal.
Design Exploration
My selected design for A/B Testing
My selected design for A/B Testing
Based on the newly reorganized context structure, each member of my team independently developed multiple drafts and then selected two drafts for each section to undergo A/B testing.

Usability Testing
A/B Testing
We paired up with the UX research team to conduct user testing to see if user could learn about what ux rescue’s offerings, how business can benefit and be persuaded to send an inquiry. During the process, we observed user behaviors during the process. The test was to see which version users are more likely to submit response and to measure bounce rates.

The result showed that Version 1 performed better in delivering information, visually easier to follow along and understand services. We also saw the need to make separate page for ux design introduction and past case studies.
At the end, interviewees were asked questions like:
1. Does the order of content help achieving your goal?
2. How effective is the location of CTA in encouraging organizations to take action?
3. ‘For Organizations' page. Which one presents information more clearly?
4. How do you like to be introduced on UX education or prefer to more education content in Q&A section?
01 Clear Navgation Bar at glance
Instaed of hiding menu, I made menu to be intuitive and straightforward for the target audience, whether they are organizations or volunteers, and created space for a introduction to User Experience Design as it is relatively new areas.

02 Replacement of word - Enhancing user engagement
“Inquiry” can be misinterpreted as complex process. By replacing the CTA (Call-to-Action) button text to "Contact us”, it clarifies the next steps for users and lower the barrier as it is direct and more inviting clients to reach out.

03 + New Feature
Delivering clear information on its services
We categorized UX Rescue’s services and add detailed explanations and suitable image in each category to illustrate its service.
Additionally, to avoid unrelated requests with the purpose of our business and to prevent user confusion, we listed the services we do not provide.

04 + New feature
Introduction on UX Design
Recognizing the organization's lack of understanding in UX Design, the team incorporated informative content.
With the feedback that introducing UX design on the organization page felt disjointed, we created a dedicated page focusing on educating about UX design.
05 Showcase past acheivements from real clients to build credibility.
Our team updated the content of the card in emphasizing specific design areas for them to grasp how they can get help with and included ux rescue’s contributions to quickly expect when it’s their time to request.
- What information will be helpful to build trust?
- What users want to know when they start their own project with UX rescue?

00 Update on Design system
We tailored the previous design system to be applicable to the overall redesigned website.

At UX Rescue I learned...
- Validate assumptions through testing processes.
- Apply existing design system to create a new page.
- Consider constraints when designing for non-designer target users.
If I had more time,
- Research on how other services gather participation of non-profits.
- Rebuild the design system for up-to-date design.